Tucked Away
As another new year sits on our doorstep, scooches by our chimney, whispers through our winter windows, I pause. Reflect.
Think back.
Anticipate forward.
I wonder.
You’re not the kind of mom to just say Well Done and I’m Proud of You…..
you help me get there with every step.
I wonder what the new year will bring.
For me. My children. My family. My friends.
Our world.
What is it I resolve to do in 2018? For myself. For others.
When I need to talk, you listen.
When I need to grow, you give me room.
I wouldn’t feel right barreling into the new year without pausing in this way and mulling things over in my mind. Remembering. Taking stock of where we’ve come. Expressing my gratitude for all the blessings in my life and for the privilege of growing to be another year older, and hopefully, wiser.
Thank you for always supporting me
and filling my life with inspiration.
2017 was a year of firsts for us – a college graduation, a son moving to Texas, an engagement, an aging father becoming someone different at this stage of his life’s journey.
As I’m getting older,
I’m really noticing all you do as a parent.
2017 embodied several life markers for us, life-changing events filled with emotions. We’ve hit the next phase of our journey. Seeds sown are beginning to bloom.
I was nervous anticipating 2017, but at its end, I can bear witness that we weathered beautifully.
Let’s tuck that knowledge away, deep in our hearts, and pull it out in the future when we might need its reminder to give us confidence.
2017 has been a ride. I’ve held on, but not as tightly as I might have done when I was younger. Now, I hold on more loosely, with more assurance and stamina. No need to grip too tightly. We cannot control so it’s best to stay loose, fluid, and ride the waves. Fighting the current never brings the swimmer to shore.
You enjoy the simple things
but think on a very deep level.
As I prepare for the new year, I always clean out my files, re-organize, prepare myself.
Tucked away in my desk drawer, the stack of cards saved from my family has grown quite large. As one who saves little, I’m intrigued by this stack of mostly store-bought cards….but with handwritten notes inside…..that take my breath away when I re-read them now.
I am lucky to have you in my life.
This ritual, I think, I might want to replicate when standing on the threshold of every new year.
My heart is full reading their words.
I think back.
Anticipate forward.
I wanted to thank you again for always
keeping me on track in life and work.
I will tuck away these nuggets of love and kindness. Deep in my heart. To call upon throughout this, and every, new year.
To be grateful for all that’s been.
And joyful at all that will come so I can face it with an open heart.
When I need a friend, I come to you.
When I need a mother, I come to you.
Happy New Year to all of us!
I hope I (and you) will bring forth all the goodness that we’ve tucked away – whether thoughts written poignantly on cards saved or memories in our minds. I hope each year, we’ll focus on goodness.